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от (120 баллов) в категории Настройка провайдеров


i know that this is a russian forum and I'm sorry for writing in english, but I hope that you can help me.

I set up the MIKO PBX, all is fine and the powerful functions are easy to use.

But as already mentioned in the heading i need to send the Caller ID as a P-Preferred-Identity and not as a P-Asserted-Identity, because my provider (sipgatetrunking.de) don't support the PAI header.

Had someone the same problem, or can someone help me with the configuration lines, which I have to set up? I'm not a developer and never worked with asterisk before, but I hope that i could understand your instructions.

Thank You!

2 Ответы

от (123 тыс. баллов)

What version of PBX is used?

In "Telephony provider" - "Advanced setting" - "Advanced Options" add code


send_pai = no

  1. Goto your Provider card
  2. Copy the id in the browser's address bar
  3. In this example, ID = SIP-1596101220 
  4. Goto "System file customization"
  5. Choose file "extensions.conf"
  6. Select mode "Add to end file"
  7. You need to add dialplan


exten => _X!,1,Set(PJSIP_HEADER(add,P-Preferred-Identity)="<sip:${ARG1}@mysipprovider.com:5084>")

same => n,return

Instead "<sip:${ARG1}@mysipprovider.com:5084>" and "SIP-1596101220enter your own value.

от (120 баллов)

Thank you for the information.
I tried your manual, but unfortunately it doesn't work.

Miko PBX doesn't add the header.

For example what I have done, I will send some pictures:

1. I disabled the send PAI:

2. I added the customised configuration line:

3. It doesn't send the header:

With the PAI it worked, but my provider don't support this header:

от (120 баллов)

And I don't know if I have to open another question, but I have one more Question. 
Is it possible to set up the nonworking switch with different rules, depenting on the target number? (different times and different redirect targets) 

As example:
incoming calls to our external  extension 1 will be redirected to Voicemail from 00:00 to 08:00.
But incoming call to our external  extension 2 have to be redirected to the Voicemail until 09:00.

Thank You!

от (123 тыс. баллов)

Try another way:


exten => _X!,1,Dial(PJSIP/${number}@SIP-${CUT(CONTEXT,-,2)},600,${DOPTIONS}TKU(dial_answer)b(dial_create_chan_custom,s,1))

    same => n,return



exten => s,1,Gosub(lua_${ISTRANSFER}dial_create_chan,${EXTEN},1)

same => n,Set(pt1c_is_dst=1) 

same => n,Set(PJSIP_HEADER(add,P-Preferred-Identit)=<sip:100@mysipprovider.com:5084>)

same => n,Set(__PT1C_SIP_HEADER=${UNDEFINED}) 

same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_wipe)=hangup_handler,s,1) 

same => n,return 

Instead "<sip:${ARG1}@mysipprovider.com:5084>and "SIP-1596101220enter your own value.

от (123 тыс. баллов)

And I don't know if I have to open another question

You should create a new question

There is a solution, but the instructions are written in Russian


от (120 баллов)

OK thank you!

At first the good message: I could successful set up the nonworking switch depenting on the incoming DID-Number. But I had to change something. (you could see it in the last picture.)

but regarding to the caller ID have to annoy you again:

sending with static set up was no problem. <493.......@sipconnect.sipgate.de> yes

But I want to use the caller ID with the group plugin (like this):

I have inserted the following argument/variable ${CALLERID(num)} : 

But this argument sends the number which I want to call. (my mobile phone number):

Can you say me the right argument/variable please?

Thank you!

от (123 тыс. баллов)
Recently I set up a similar task for a client

exten => _X!,1,Dial(PJSIP/${number}@SIP-${CUT(CONTEXT,-,2)},600,${DOPTIONS}TKU(dial_answer)b(dial_create_chan_${CUT(CONTEXT,-,2)}_custom,s,1))
 same => n,ExecIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "ANSWER"]?Hangup())
 same => n,ExecIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?Busy(2))
    same => n,return
exten => s,1,Gosub(lua_${ISTRANSFER}dial_create_chan,${EXTEN},1)
    same => n,Set(pt1c_is_dst=1) 
 same => n,Set(OUTGOING_CID=100)
 same => n,ExecIf($["${OUTGOING_CID}x" != "x"]?Set(PJSIP_HEADER(add,P-Preferred-Identit)=<sip:${OUTGOING_CID}@>))
 same => n,ExecIf($["${OUTGOING_CID}x" != "x"]?Set(PJSIP_HEADER(add,Remote-Party-ID)=<sip:${OUTGOING_CID}@>))
    same => n,Set(__PT1C_SIP_HEADER=${UNDEFINED}) 
    same => n,Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_wipe)=hangup_handler,s,1) 
    same => n,return

  • "SIP-1611151795" - this is the provider ID.
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